Red Bluff
Victor Community Support Services, Red Bluff
Victor Community Support Services (VCSS) has had a presence in Tehama County since 2018. We engage families and facilitate in Child and Family Team Meetings with high collaboration among multiple agencies within the community. In Tehama County, VCSS will have a dedicated site starting in the summer of 2021 to serve the community expanding into Transitional Age Youth populations. VCSS Red Bluff will be an outpatient specialty mental health services program and will serve youth and families in homes, schools, community, office based and telehealth with highly trained therapists and paraprofessionals.
In Tehama County Victor Community Support Services will be providing an array of services to youth and families in this robust and diverse community. The VCSS site location is nestled within the town of Red Bluff nearby the Sacramento river, in a county with an abundance of trails including 17 miles of the famous Pacific Crest Trail. Lassen Volcanic National Park is also partially located in Tehama County.
118 Belle Mill Road
Red Bluff, CA 96080
United States
(530) 840-2000