four happy kids

West San Bernardino

Victor Community Support Services, West San Bernardino

VCSS West San Bernardino is located in the western portion of San Bernardino City proper in San Bernardino County, the largest County (geographically) in the United States. This site, which is highly integrated into the community, has an extensive history of hosting community-based services over many years. From our current location, VCSS offers a rich array of unique services designed to respond to the needs of the West San Bernardino community.

Our agency is also licensed by Los Angeles County to provide Foster Care and Adoption Services.

The wide array of services we offer for resource/foster families and adoption services can be found by visiting or calling our Pomona office at (909) 766-7060.

Our program provides an incredible support system for families who want to open their home to a foster child or are interested in permanent adoption. Our mission for the Foster Family Agency is to Connect Children and Teenagers with Caring Families. If you have any interest in becoming a foster parent please visit our website dedicated to FFA information and services. We would love to meet you!

600 North Arrowhead Avenue
Suite 300
San Bernardino, CA 92401
United States
(909) 522-4656